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I'm not good enough

I splashed water on my face. The bathroom was empty, and cold. I looked in the mirror, about to give the biggest pitch of my career and all I could see was that same 15 year old kid who didn’t think he was good enough to make the soccer team. Just like I told myself, I wasn’t capable or talented enough then, my inner voice was taunting me now.

So what do you do, when your thoughts are working against you?

Learn all about your “I’m not good enough Gremlin” and how to walk through your life with confidence instead.

Have you ever heard of the “I’m not good enough Gremlin”?

Stick with me, I promise this leads back to your career.

It’s what I call the little voice in your head that stops you from taking perceived risks by telling you “Don’t even think about it, you’re not good enough...tall enough.” Whatever mean thoughts that are rolling around in your head, they are mostly likely your Gremlin speaking.

Gremlins are typically formed in childhood as a way to protect ourselves from feeling rejected, embarrassed, ashamed or hurt. They can limit us from taking chances and living our fullest lives. If you feel you aren’t smart enough or good enough for the promotion, you don’t try, so you won’t feel the sting of disappointment if you fail.

Gremlins cause you to trade your fears for regrets.

In fact, our inner critics are born from misinterpreting the Gremlin’s message. While the Gremlin truly just wants to keep us safe, our egos interpret the Gremlin’s message as some form of “I’m not good enough”, causing things like Imposter Syndrome to take root.

Not understanding your Gremlin and its messages keeps us limited and causes us to play small.

Many of us are so used to living within the limitations of our Gremlins that we don’t recognize them hanging from our backs, causing us to be bogged down by the extra weight of them. That is, until something happens where we get brave enough to talk back and to decide that we know better than our fear. That is when you take your Gremlin’s power away with the understanding that everyone has a Gremlin, that everyone has a voice inside telling them some sort of terrible life advice and it’s time for it to stop.

Those of us that learn to stand face to face with our Gremlins, to create dialogue by turning inward and facing the feelings of embarrassment, shame, or fear of rejection, are the ones who rise to the top. We are the leaders who make it all look effortless.

Your Gremlin usually shows up when you’re feeling insecure, unmotivated, afraid or getting ready to try something new. It can be a bit like an overprotective parent; it’s trying to keep you safe by keeping you in your comfort zone to protect you from failure.

Whenever the Gremlin appears at inappropriate times or is not helpful for a particular situation, it is because the Gremlin is being generalized from habit, a limiting belief, or fear.

Click here if you want learn to Mange your Gremlin


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